Wanna play Blackjack??
I Very Strongly Recommend one of these two casions only – as I have found these two work the best with this system and have had the highest % average payout for blackjack in the industry for last year.
But before you play blackjack, first of all you should know the basic rules of blackjack, so you can play well and safe... =)
The basic rules of Blackjack
The aim of Blackjack is to beat the dealer’s hand.
First you place a bet by clicking on one of the chips in the lower right section of the screen. Now click on the ‘Deal’ button on the lower middle section of the screen. You are then dealt two cards, both face up. The dealer is dealt two cards, one is face up and the other is face down. An example is shown on the right.
The aim of the game it to get nearer to 21 than the dealer. Example: you have 17 and the dealer currently has 2. You have to say if you want another card (HIT) or take no more cards (STAND). To do this just click on the buttons on the lower part of the screen.

In most casino Blackjack games, the dealer has to stand on 17 and above, and has to hit on 16 and below. So how will you know when to Hit or Stand ? The answer is by using my strategy cards which tell you exactly what to do for every card combination you may have.
Blackjack Rules
Blackjack has a dealer and one to three players (as described above). The dealer deals from a shoe containing four decks of playing cards. Before the deal, the players place their bets by clicking on either the $1 chip, $5 chip, $25 chip or the $100 chip, to reach the desired bet.
After deciding on the desired bet the player must click the "Deal" button to proceed with the hand. The round begins after all participants have bet and clicked "Deal".
In Public and Group Tables, the game will proceed once the one minute default time limit has expired. Once the deal begins the bets may not be changed. During the course of the hand players may add to their bets through Double Downs, Splits, and Insurance.
After the cards are dealt, you will be offered the appropriate option. Buttons located on the lower left side of the screen will appear in order to facilitate the player's desired action. For example, if it is possible to split two cards a button will appear to allow the player to split the cards. The player simply clicks on the "Split" button in order to split. The minimum bet is $1 and the maximum bet is $500. Each player receives two cards, face up, and the dealer receives one card, face up. The player may request as many additional cards as desired, until they either chooses to "Stand" or Busting.
If a player is dealt BlackJack, which is a 10 or face card along with an Ace, they are immediately paid 1.5 times the placed bet, unless the dealer also has BlackJack, in which case it is a "Push" (the player's bet left on the table). After all players' bets have been completed, the dealer completes their hand. If the dealer has sixteen or less, they must draw a card (Hit), until they reach seventeen or more. If the dealer's card total exceeds 21 (Bust), they must pay all players remaining in the hand.
"Double Down"
A player may select the "Double" option after being dealt two cards. The Double option automatically doubles the player's bet and deals one additional card, face up. The player cannot draw any additional cards. The player may double down on any first dealt two cards or after splitting a pair.
If the player is dealt any pair of cards, on the first two cards (i.e., two Fives, two Jacks, etc.), they may split the cards into two separate hands. The split option automatically places an additional bet, equal to the original wager. Each hand is then played independently, and the player may take as many Hits as desired on each hand (with the exception of Aces, which receive one additional card only, per hand). In the case of split Aces, a player's BlackJack is not possible and is considered as a regular 21. In this case, a dealer's BlackJack wins, and a dealer's 21 becomes a "Push".
If the dealer shows an Ace, the player has the option of making an
"Insurance Bet"
This equals half the original bet, and ensures that the player will not lose their wager should the dealer be concealing a 10 or face card under their Ace. If, in fact, the dealer's down card is equal to 10, the player wins the Insurance Bet. At odds of 2-1. If the dealer's down card has a value of less than 10, the player loses the Insurance Bet and continues normally with the hand.
A Push refers to when the dealer and the player have the same numerical count in their hands. In this event the play is a draw, and the players bet remains on the table.
• Should a player fail to place a bet within the set default time limit, the hand will continue without their participation.
• Should a player place a bet, but fail to click the "Deal" button within the set default time limit, they will automatically be dealt two cards and the hand will continue.
• In the event that the player is unable to click the "Deal" button due to a disconnection, the disconnection rules shall apply.
• The cards are reshuffled after each hand
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